A Child’s Journey Through the Grove

Age 16 - 18

The culmination of a student's time at The Grove. Intellectual enquiry is at the forefront of a student's focus, alongside finding purpose and direction. We provide students with a variety of opportunities to contribute towards community life in a leadership capacity, as well as opportunities to meet the world through studies and visits in a number of different focus areas. Students work towards the CFI Level 3 (extended) Diploma in Integrative Education.

Themes include the world of Ecology, including visits to local and national farms with a regenerative focus; the Power of Performance, meeting a variety of twentieth century and contemporary practitioners and movements, with one or more theatre or music events; Community, Culture and Conflict Resolution movements as well as techniques; Politics, Ethics and Philosophy; Etymology and the origins of language, alongside some literary classics and creative writing. Students continue sessions on the land, with an ecological investigative focus; sessions in art, music, games, drama and humanities; and have a weekly project session to support their own independent inquiry project. Every two years, the musical project provides opportunity for these students to step into a position of leadership, socially pastorally and artistically.

Residential trips in these years include study trips (ecological and cultural), a community experience as well as an opportunity for an international culture and community trip, if appropriate for the group. Previous trips have included Camas on the Isle of Mull (community), Edinburgh and Esk Valley Camphill (culture and community), and Italy (international culture). 

Home Ed Focus: Very student-led and unique according to each individual. Some find the Level 3 qualification takes their main focus, especially as they are expected to develop their own independent study skills at this point, with an independent inquiry project as well as completing other portfolio work. Students may take tuition in music, art, humanities or science. Many continue with a physical recreational activity, and some with a particular craft. Many use the time to visit university open days and make decisions about what is next for them.