The Grove’s Ethos

At the Grove we strive for a deeply relational approach within all we do, that we may be a place of welcome, celebration, connection and compassion. We are committed to consistent positive connection, clear values, and compassionate response.


These are the qualities we recognise as that which we as a team strive to inhabit:

Love; openness; compassion; presence; forgiveness; authenticity; trust; integrity

That are our practice may be intuitive, supportive, nourishing, joyful, adaptable and wise


This is what the team recognise as our ethos, underpinning all we do:

  • We have a spiritual awareness which underpins everything, which draws inspiration from anthroposophy, alongside other personal spiritual practices within the team. Essentially, we recognise Spirit and strive to orientate ourselves towards what we intuit through ongoing spiritual practice.

  • We have an anthroposophical approach to understanding child development, and the importance of acknowledging the different phases of childhood, in seven year cycles.

  • We seek to be regenerative and relational in our approach. We are trauma aware. We are striving for a collective journey toward wholeness.

Our Practice

  • We have a process way of working

  • We face tensions and edges, as a team calling each other out with courage and compassion

  • We are flexible and adaptable towards group needs as they arise, where possible

  • We recognise the importance of contracting with each other, each group, each child, each parent/guardian as a living process which needs continually revisiting

  • We strive to be in good communication with the parent/guardian(s) of each child/young person

  • We call for each child and young person to choose to be at The Grove, that they and their parent(s) are willing to engage in our programme and way of working, and willing to be in relationship with the team and especially with the mentor of the group

Our Programme

We are offering a part-time programme which forms a part of a child’s education, and which incorporates:

  • Fostering a love for learning, within a whole community of learners

  • Innovative, integrative land orientated curriculum which honours nature’s seasonal cycles

  • Inspiration from the Waldorf curriculum; head, heart and hands

  • Engagement in inner and outer work

  • Breathing in and out – stillness and movement

What we are striving to gift children and young people with

We hope children and young people with us gain:

  • The inner qualities and appreciation for beauty, truth and goodness

  • Growing skills in artistic, practical, social, reflective and academic areas

  • Active inter-dependence and conflict resolution skills

  • Life affirming preparation for the future, feeding into the ‘deep truth’ of who they are