Upper Years at the Grove

The Grove offers older students opportunities to deepen their understanding of themselves and the world through engaging in the creation of an individual portfolio of work; developing intuition and self-reflection; active participation in our community with gradually more leadership responsibilities; and experiential day/residential trips to broaden and extend skills, knowledge and capacities. 

Students have opportunity to work towards the CFI Integrative Education Diploma Level 2 and Level 3. These innovative diplomas are recognised by local colleges and national universities, and have developed in the last ten years to explore holistic learning and assessment that increases inclusion and awareness of sustainable futures. Integrative Education engages the whole person, connects learning to daily life, and combines subjects and skills. Education that is integrative strives to be engaging, enlightening and meaningful; learners can love what they learn and apply it wherever it is most needed in their lives.

More information is available in the Upper Years Brochure.

Crossfields - Crossfields Institute

We advise students to take GCSEs in Maths and English in home-based tutor groups alongside their Grove-based qualification. Students also engage in a wide range of activities and learning as home educators with local tutors, organised independently of The Grove. These include: music, science, climbing, trapeze, art, forging and woodcraft.