A Child’s Journey Through the Grove
Age 6 - 8
The first two years at The Grove are alive with stories, movement, play, modelling, drama, music and a gradual development of number and word literacy. Children also understand what it is to be part of a small community, both within their own group where they learn to support each other and respect each other's differences, as well as in the wider community of learners. There are regular opportunities for mixed age activities, and the older students at The Grove buddy up with the younger ones. Themes for these years include folk and fairy tales, nature stories, home surroundings, saints and fables. Children have sessions in handwork, music, form drawing, painting, games and 'land literacy'.
Home Ed Focus: For these years, some families choose to keep things gentle and unstructured, with plenty of time at home, baking, drawing, walking and engaging in other family activities. Some parents will work with a child at home on developing literacy and numeracy skills, while some organise tuition in particular subjects such as maths or English. Many children participate in farm or forest school days.