A Child’s Journey Through the Grove
Age 8 - 10
A significant change occurs for the child around the year they turn 9, as they begin to notice they are a separate being from others, from the natural world, from their parents. For some this change can be felt deeply. We try to surround them with stories which echo what they are experiencing (albeit unconsciously), including stories where people make choices for good, and helping them experience the world as a good place to be. Themes include homes and houses, fabrics and fibres, creation stories, Norse mythology, measurement, ancient cultures and animal studies.
As the child's emotional life develops, alongside their conscience, we continue to surround them with opportunities to learn how to express themselves healthily, and become more aware of how each of us affect each other. We provide plenty of opportunities for expression, through drawing, painting, movement, crafting, a group play, music and games, and children also continue in relationship with nature through land orientation sessions where children begin to practice quiet observation.
Home Ed Focus: Children in these years may be resistant to being 'pushed' into specific tutor groups or activities, and may want to dwell for hours in imaginative play or playing family games. The warmth of familiar positive relationships becomes deeply important for the child of this age. Many Grove children continue with farm or forest school activities in their home education time, while some start English and Maths tutoring around age 10, if they haven't already. For some, a handwork club or gentle craft, art or music group are a wonderful way for them to develop their sense of self, express themselves and experience harmonising influences.